京都大学医学部附属病院 放射線治療科


業績集 2002

2011 | 2010 |
2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 |
1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993

1 Nagata Y., Negoro Y., Aoki T., Mizowaki T., Takayama K., Kokubo M., Araki N., Mitsumori M., Sasai K., Shibamoto Y., Koga S., Yano S., Hiraoka M.:
Clinical outcomes of 3-D conformal hypofractionated single high dose radiotherapy for one of two lung tumors using a stereotactic body frame.,
Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys., 52(4):1041-46, 2002
2 Oya N., Shibamoto Y., Nagata Y., Negoro Y., Hiraoka M.:
Postperative radiotherapy for intracranial ependymoma:analysis of prognostic factors and patterns of failure.,
J. of Neuro-Oncol., 56(1):87-94, 2002
3 Harada H., Hiraoka M., Kizaka-Kondoh S.:
Antitumor Effect of TAT-Oxygen-dependent Degradation-Caspase-3 Fusion Protein Specifically Stabilized and Activated in Hypoxic Tumor Cells.,
Cancer Research, 62(7): 2013-18, 2002
4 Nishimura Y., Suzuki M., Nakamatsu K., Kanamori S., Yagyu Y., Shigeoka H.:
Prospective Trial of Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy with Protracted Infusion of 5-Fluorouracil and Cisplatin for T4 Esophageal Cancer With or Without Fistula.,
Int.J.Radiation Oncol. Biol. Phys., 53(1):134-9, 2002
5 Shibamoto Y., Oya N., Kokubo M., Hiraoka M., Doi, R., Tsujitani M.:
Intraoperative Radiotherapy using Hypoxic Cell Sensitizers: Japanese Clinical Trials.,
Progress in Radio-Oncol. Ⅶ, (Salzburg, Austria, May 15-19.2002):333-9, 2002
6 Hiraoka M., Mitsumori M. and Shibuya K.:
Adjuvant radiation therapy following mastectomy for breast cancer.,
Breast Cancer, 9(3):190-5, 2002
7 Takata M., Tachiiri S., Fujimori A., Larry H. Thompson, Miki Y., Hiraoka M., Takeda S., Yamazoe M.:
Conserved domains in the chicken homologue of BRCA2,
Oncogene 21, 1130-34, 2002
8 Hiraoka M., Kokubo M., Yamamoto C., Mitsumori M.:
Current Status and Perspectives of Radiation Therapy for Breast Cancer.,
JMAJ, 45(10):434-39, 2002